Donate to Oho Cuisine A Culinary Journey with a Purpose

Oho Cuisine will be a unique dining establishment dedicated to celebrating the flavors of our region through seasonal, locally sourced ingredients with the farm-to-fork dining concept. More than just a restaurant, it will serve as a hub for community engagement, offering workshops, events, Festivals, and catering services that promote sustainable living and local heritage.

Oho Cuisine: Savor Sustainability, Celebrate Community.

Mission: Creating unforgettable dining and event experiences that unite community and nature through sustainable gastronomy and vibrant cultural activities. Vision: To be the leading community projects hub in the Transcaucasian region, celebrated for our commitment to local sourcing, sustainability, and empowering diverse communities.

“PROBLEM STATEMENT: The economic activity in the Republic of Georgia is heavily centralized, and economic growth and development are concentrated in the urban centers. However, the project area and many regions face a critical challenge: local youth are forced to leave their hometowns for better opportunities in larger cities or overseas. A need for more community spaces causes this migration, a fundamental requirement that needs to be added in these regions and overall in the Transcaucasus. These spaces, limited job opportunities, and a declining population are hindering the region's socio-economic growth and unity. Sustainable approaches are vital for maintaining a naturally healthy environment, too. The absence of sustainable and engaging local projects only worsens these issues, leaving the community without the necessary resources to thrive and preserve its cultural heritage. The situation is urgent, and immediate action is required to address these challenges and retain the local community. ”

Oho Projects

Solution Overview

Oho Cuisine presents a unique, multi-faceted approach to addressing these issues. Our strategic initiatives, which will be extended to the Transcaucasian Region, are designed to create a sustainable and thriving community. 1. Developing product/service-based communities and creation of Community Spaces: 1.1 In the Oho Cuisine project area of village Skhvitori, we are developing a Natural products foragers community, pumpkin community, Georgian garden community, backyard pharmacy community, other thematic communities, and clubs to meet the needs of the local vulnerable communities, the youth and the women(for those communities the private land owners will use their land to get the best joint results and collaboration possibilities. 1.2 Dining and Social Hub: Establish a restaurant as a communal gathering place, fostering social interactions and community engagement. - Workshops and Events: - Host live and online educational workshops and community events focused on sustainable farming, cooking, preventive healthcare, and local crafts to cultivate a sense of belonging and cultural pride. 2. Job Creation and Economic Opportunities: - Employment Opportunities: Generate job opportunities within the restaurant, catering services, Community-based tourism, events, and related activities, providing stable employment, especially for local youth and women in roles such as chefs, waitstaff, kitchen assistants, Tourism services representatives, events and festivals staff, etc. - Support for Local Farmers and Artisans: Partner with local farmers and artisans to source ingredients and products, stimulating the local economy and encouraging sustainable practices. 3. Promotion of Sustainability: - Sustainable Practices: To minimize environmental impact, Implement eco-friendly practices such as using locally sourced ingredients, comprehensive waste separation and recycling programs, and energy-efficient infrastructure.creating funds for sustaining a healthy natural environment, studying problematic forest areas, and restoring the forest; - Community Education: Offer educational programs on sustainable living, environmental conservation, and healthy eating to promote long-term ecological balance and community well-being. 4. - Cultural Preservation: - Culinary Heritage: Celebrate and preserve the region's rich culinary traditions through a diverse menu highlighting local flavors and ingredients. - Cultural Activities: Organize events and activities that honor and promote the region's heritage, fostering residents' strong sense of identity and pride. 5. Research an innovation: Oho Cuisine is conducting research in Georgia to collect the best and most authentic food and beverage-making practices, obtain healthy nutrition approaches, and find ways to use nontraditional remedies. All these efforts will contribute to developing the Oho Goods from Oho Projects series, a collection of products for preventive healthcare and nutritious, healthy product powder mixes. These products will ensure food security in our region and provide a new avenue for economic activity and health promotion in the Region of Transcaucasia and the target markets. 6.- Youth Retention and Engagement: - Youth Programs: Develop targeted programs and initiatives to engage local youth, providing meaningful opportunities to contribute to their community through community gardening, cooking classes, and cultural events, and encouraging them to remain in their hometowns. - Skills Development: Offer training and development programs to enhance the skills of local youth, making them more competitive in the job market and less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. ** Expected Outcomes: - Creating diversified business opportunities with a sustainable approach: Economic Revitalization: - Stimulate local economic growth by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and attracting regional investment. - Community Cohesion: Foster a strong, united community by creating shared spaces and cultural activities. - Environmental Sustainability: Promote sustainable practices that ensure long-term environmental health and resource conservation. develop funds for sustaining the natural surroundings, studying forests' health, and applying necessary solutions in the problematic areas. - Cultural Preservation: Preserve and celebrate the region's cultural heritage, enhancing the community's identity and pride. ** Youth Engagement: - Retain local youth by providing meaningful opportunities and eliminating the need for migration to urban centers. ** Conclusion** Oho Cuisine is committed to addressing the Sachkhere Municipality's critical challenges and supporting Oho Projects to address similar challenges Throughout trans Caucasus. By creating sustainable community spaces, generating economic opportunities, and preserving cultural heritage, Oho Cuisine is on a mission to play a pivotal role in revitalizing the local economy, fostering community cohesion, and ensuring a sustainable future for the region. Your support and investment in this project will help transform the lives of the local community and create a lasting positive impact on the region's socio-economic landscape.


Business Impact: Who Benefits from Oho Cuisine and How?

Local Farmers and Artisans: By sourcing ingredients and products locally, Oho Cuisine provides a stable market for farmers and artisans, boosting their income and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.Youth and Women: Through job creation and targeted skill development programs, Oho Cuisine offers meaningful employment opportunities, empowering local youth and women to thrive in their communities. Community Members: With a focus on community engagement, Oho Cuisine offers workshops, events, and festivals that foster social cohesion, cultural pride, and a strong sense of belonging, making everyone feel included and connected.Environment: Oho Cuisine's commitment to eco-friendly practices ensures long-term environmental health and resource conservation, benefiting the local ecosystem and promoting sustainable living.Tourists and Visitors: Offering an authentic and immersive dining experience, Oho Cuisine attracts eco-conscious tourists seeking genuine cultural experiences, boosting local tourism and economic growth. Health-Conscious Consumers: By developing nutritious, locally sourced products, Oho Cuisine promotes preventive healthcare and healthy eating habits, contributing to the overall well-being of the community.Consumers with Special Dietary Needs: Oho Cuisine caters to individuals with celiac disease, digestive problems, diabetes, and other dietary restrictions by offering a variety of gluten-free, low-sugar, and easily digestible food options, ensuring everyone can enjoy delicious and healthy meals.

<span>Business Impact: Who Benefits from Oho Cuisine and How?</span>

Financial Projections

Our financial projections indicate exciting growth potential: - Restaurant Sales: Anticipated average monthly revenue of 2,400 GEL in the first year, with a 10% quarterly growth rate. - Catering Services: Projected average monthly revenue of 14,364 GEL, with a 15% quarterly growth rate. - Community Workshops: Expected monthly revenue of 500 GEL per workshop. - Oho Goods Sales: Forecasted average monthly revenue of 14,000 GEL in the first year, with an 18% annual growth rate.

<span>Financial Projections</span>

"To make Oho Cuisine and the following Oho Projects real, we need funds: 84000 GEL, and any contribution is most welcome. Donate in the following Currencies ₾;€;$; ;£ donate to the following bank account: GE48BG0000000638044800 The full name of the recipient: Teona Katsitadze "
